Monday, 2 December 2013

I need to tell you something.......

This morning, I went without breakfast! :O

As much shock as that may be, it isn't something that's going to make the national papers.

However, whilst I was not eating breakfast and catching up on social media, I came across this video from Tom Daley.

I admire the guy, he's an Olympic Gold medalist for crying out loud, but why did he feel the need to do this?

In the video he says how supportive his mother has been, how some family members were against it - what does it matter what they think?

I struggle to understand the buzz about famous people. Yes they are well known, yes they have more money in the bank than most of us, but, at the end of the day, they are humans too, right? Why do they feel inclined to post tweets, facebook statuses, pictures, videos and the like, about their private life? Because surely, their private life should be exactly that? PRIVATE?!

It annoys me that the news media thinks that we all want to know what colour pants so-and-so is wearing today, who's pregnant, or if Miley Cyrus has poked her tongue out today! Leave them be, let them live their lives.

So far, I have seen nothing but support for Tom Daley. Not many people, famous or not, would do what he's done. But I can imagine there'll be some against it. I wish Tom and his partner the very best for the future!

The one thing I'm certain of though - my daughter will be GUTTED!


  1. I imagine he wanted to take control of the situation & put it out there before the media did it for him. Fair play to him.

    1. Absolutely! It's such a shame that famous people need to do that, their private lives should be just that - private!

  2. Yes you are right it doesn't matter what his sexuailty is x

  3. I find it outrageous that it made the National news

  4. It really shouldn't matter about his sexuality but I guess by putting the info out there himself he was taking control of the situation and at a later date the papers couldn't accuse him of being in denial or whatever rubbish some of those rags come up with!

  5. I agree that this shouldn't really be newsworthy, but I think it's really brave of him and wish him good luck with everything in the future!

  6. Here here, I hate the phenomena , I just really don't care about all their lives really. Also tut tut for missing breakfast :P. I always miss mine.

  7. It only matters to him. I don't see the need for him to tell the world he is dating a man, but if it makes him feel happy that it's out in the open then good for him

  8. as if anyone is really interested in his sexuality anyway!

  9. I quite agree, I felt he shouldn't feel the need to justify himself. In a way, I think it gave the wrong impression to anyone else struggling to 'come out'. People should just get on with their own lives, and not have to explain themselves to anyone else.

  10. I felt quite annoyed that he'd had to do it. But then all those dreadful headlines about Annabel Croft's private life when she came out of I'm a Celebrity makes you understand why he wanted to be upfront rather than have to cope with such awful intrusions and such disgusting name calling. All power to him. Hope he's happy.

  11. There is still such a stigma in sport about homosexuality, which is sad

  12. I think its awful that people in the public eye have to explain the reasoning behind any choices they make. Its there life and behind the fame they are just normal people like all of us. Admire him for setting the record straight before the media frenzy

  13. who cares what others think its his choice not our to judge
