Monday, 2 September 2013

Happy 10th birthday T and happy 3rd birthday Little L!

When I started this post, it was T's 10th birthday. She shares a birthday with my niece, Little L, so we were going to my sisters' house for a double celebration BBQ. We had a lovely afternoon, apart from the dodging of the wasps!! Is it just me or is there more than previous years? I don't like them, their "Buzz" goes through me. Just typing this is causing me to cringe at the thought.

Earlier that day, I had put the final touches to T's birthday cake I attempted to make her. We love making cakes, but this year she'd requested a Minion cake. I had all sorts of ideas! After browsing the web, I decided to try a flat one - so made a basic sponge.

200g eggs,
200g self-raising flour,
200g sugar
200g margarine

Mix it all in a bowl, set the oven at 180C, grease a cake tin, pour in the mixture and bake for about 20-25 minutes.

Keep checking on the cake as it could burn quickly. I was lucky to catch it just in time!

When the cake had cooled, I cut it into a minion shape. For the colours I used ready-to-roll icing from Sainsburys in yellow and blue.
I covered just over 2/3 in yellow icing, made arms and legs out of the cut off bits of cake, styled the        jeans from the blue icing and made a little pocket.

For his glasses, I rolled and kneaded some of the blue and yellow icing together, which made a grey- green colour, and cut out the shape required. I used a squeezy tube of black icing to make his hair, glasses arms, hands, boots and the little "G" on his pocket. After leaving that to set for about 30 minutes in the fridge, I added some icing sugar inside the glasses to make his eyes.

And here's the final result!

 Even if I do say so myself, it's not bad! His arm fell off and I ran out of black icing to redo his boots when they were pinched by J, but I had many compliments and everyone enjoyed it!

I am determined to make another one for C's birthday in December and will try to make a purple minion too!

Have you had a go at making a character cake?


  1. I love it, well done,a proud Mummy moment. I am good at cooking but arty cakes just defeat me. My children sadly made do with nice cakes but not made by me.
    Your all in one cake mix is one to keep. Thanks

  2. Love it! That is a fab cake! Hope it tasted yummy!
    Happy Birthday x

  3. Wow you are so clever! I haven't made any character cakes - my talents lay more in breadmaking (without a machine), hearty puddings, soups and the like. You have inspired me to give it a go!!

  4. Wow you are so clever! I haven't made any character cakes - my talents lay more in breadmaking (without a machine), hearty puddings, soups and the like. You have inspired me to give it a go!!

  5. Very creative and fun! I bet everyone loved it.
