Monday, 9 September 2013

And it's all back to the chaos!

Helloooooo! I was going to post a picture this morning, but I forgot to take it. In all the madness that has been the last 3 hours, I forgot. I forgot that we had to get up earlier than 8am this morning, I forgot we were no longer on holiday, I forgot that I hadn't dried C's cardigan for school and I forgot to get a picture of the kids in their uniforms for their first day back.

C's going into year 8, T's in year 6 and J has started reception. His first day in school and I FORGOT to get that picture! The one picture that screams "I'm too little to be in school!" and the one picture where their uniforms are clean, tidy, on the right way, shoes have no marks and there are great big smiles. Come this afternoon when they are all home it'll be totally different!

I'm placing bets on missing items (normally a cardigan or a coat), stains or holes in the knees of trousers, maybe even a few tears as J realises that he has to do this everyday (minus the weekends and holidays) for the next 12 years (at least) of his life.

My little boy has grown up. He's no longer my baby (although I still call C and T my babies, J informed me this morning that he is, and I quote, "A big boy who's too big for kisses and cuddles!").

So now I'm sat here watching Baby B sleep, filling the house with his snoring, and I'm BORED! I have a pile of holiday washing to do, a bit of housework and I've lost count of the amount of emails I need to answer. But I feel like I'm missing an arm. I love spending the six weeks holidays with the kids, technically seven this year with our sneaky holiday! But I really hate the day they have to go back to school.

I suppose I should do something creative with my spare time now. Just what though?

1 comment:

  1. By contrast this is the first year I was actually organised! The kids bags were packed the day before, their uniforms ready and shoes together on the shoe rack. For me this is a miracle, no matter how hard I try one of them has always forgotten or lost something, no matter how many times I ask the night before have you got everything (and they answer yes) something gets left behind! I suspect I have slipped into an alternate universe and one day soon I will wake up to the chaos that is our house normally!
