Just a quick post from me for now. I have some great news!
The kitchen and bathroom are almost finished! On the 5th week anniversary of the day they started, I've been told it should be finished by tomorrow. Looking at them now, they look finished anyway, but there's two jobs left to do. The strip light in the kitchen needs to go up and the radiator in the bathroom needs to be reconnected.. I'm so, so happy about this and can finally look forward to getting the stuff back in the kitchen so we will have more space in the living room!
These last 5 weeks have seemed like a lifetime. And it doesn't help that the kids are home from school. They've been confined to the one room to stay out of the workers way, in the lovely weather we've had recently, they've had to stay in and be "BORED!". I just hope the weather gets a bit nicer for the weeks we have left and for our holiday at the start of September!
And an update on the photobook :)
I had an email back saying they would replace it as "a build error occurred". I am thrilled so thanks to MyMemory!
Things are finally starting to look up!
it's great when you see the end in sight after a lot of upheaval!