Monday, 22 April 2013

The Maiden Voyage!


Firstly, I would like to welcome you to my new blog. Please excuse any mistakes - I am a first-timer and haven't a clue what I'm doing!

So, to start at the beginning: I'm Clare, 29 years old, mother to four - two girls, C & T (ages 12 and 9), two boys, J & Baby B (ages 4 and 4 weeks). People often ask me if I'm mad, to which I reply "No, but perfectly crazy!" and that's what my family is - they are crazy, but they are perfect, and I wouldn't have them any other way!

I have started this blog to keep a record of things I want to remember, with a few added things on top - reviews, giveaways - just wait and see!

I'll keep it short and sweet for now, Baby B has just woken for a feed and it'll be time for bed after.

Thanks for reading, see you soon & sweetdreams :-)


  1. Welcome to the world of blogging :)

  2. Good luck with your blog, I started mine a year ago and really enjoy it.

  3. Best of luck - so far your blog has been great! I'm always slightly in awe of bloggers, because I think when I got home from work I'd be too tired to have to write about things.

  4. Love first posts and then seeing how the blogs develop.
    Good to get to know you better
