For the last 12 and a bit years (Is C really
THAT old??) I have been a mum. I've loved every mintues of it. The tears, the tantrums, even the nappy changes! For those 12 and a bit years, which seems longer every time I type it, I've used Huggies nappies. Yes, every single nappy change was using a Huggies nappy. I convinced my sister to change to Huggies, all my friends in our baby group changed to Huggies after I told them how great they were! Their nappies were the best!
Then, about 4 years ago, they made my nappy-changing life complete! They brought out Huggies wet wipes with Aloe Vera. Now, anyone who knows me in real life will tell you how much I use Aloe Vera. Got sunburn? Use Aloe Vera. Got a wart / verruca? Use Aloe Vera. I use it for almost everything! So, my favourite wet wipes with it in - fantastic!
And everything was great! I had one small incident when J was a baby where a tab pulled off of the nappy. I wrote them a letter, enclosing the nappy (It was unused!) just to make them aware of it. To my surprise, I was sent a lovely apology letter and some vouchers to use! How's that for a sorry?!
But, that happy nappy-changing world started to crumble. In January 2013 I received
that email. The one that said Huggies weren't selling nappies in the UK anymore (see
here for more info). Being 6 months pregnant, that was sad news to me. I was looking forward for an excuse to buy the nappies again! What was I going to do?
A week later, I was lucky enough to win a £100 Boots voucher. The first thing I did was stock up on Huggies nappies! The sales assistant looked at me as though I was crazy! I managed to get enough size 1 and size 2 to last Baby B for as long as he would fit into them.
So, I'm now down to the final packet of size 2 nappies with a dilemma - which nappies do I use?
This is where you come in. I need opinions - I've never used any other brands so don't want to spend money on a pack to find I don't like them or they irritate Baby B's little bum.
Which brands do you like? Dislike?
Leave me a comment below :)