Sunday, 30 June 2013

A quick apology!

Hello you lovely people!

This is only a quick stop to say hi and that I haven't left. Almost two weeks ago, I had the not-so-bright idea of upgrading our broadband to fibre optic. Plusnet (our provider) promised there would be a maximum 2 hours break in Internet connection while the engineer completed the job - yet, here we are, 11 days later still without Internet!

We've had tests run on the lines, two different engineers have been out and still no solution in sight. It's a nightmare, not just because I really need to be connected, but because the girls have both come home this week with research homework, which is impossible to do from home unless you are connected!

So Plusnet, this is a friendly warning, you'll be having yet another call from me tomorrow, and it had better be sorted this week, or I'll be asking for my readers opinions on different providers!

Hope everyone has had a lovely weekend and I'll keep my fingers crossed I can update really soon!

Saturday, 8 June 2013

Who to choose now?

For the last 12 and a bit years (Is C really THAT old??) I have been a mum. I've loved every mintues of it. The tears, the tantrums, even the nappy changes! For those 12 and a bit years, which seems longer every time I type it, I've used Huggies nappies. Yes, every single nappy change was using a Huggies nappy. I convinced my sister to change to Huggies, all my friends in our baby group changed to Huggies after I told them how great they were! Their nappies were the best!

Then, about 4 years ago, they made my nappy-changing life complete! They brought out Huggies wet wipes with Aloe Vera. Now, anyone who knows me in real life will tell you how much I use Aloe Vera. Got sunburn? Use Aloe Vera. Got a wart / verruca? Use Aloe Vera. I use it for almost everything! So, my favourite wet wipes with it in - fantastic!

And everything was great! I had one small incident when J was a baby where a tab pulled off of the nappy. I wrote them a letter, enclosing the nappy (It was unused!) just to make them aware of it. To my surprise, I was sent a lovely apology letter and some vouchers to use! How's that for a sorry?!

But, that happy nappy-changing world started to crumble. In January 2013 I received that email. The one that said Huggies weren't selling nappies in the UK anymore (see here for more info). Being 6 months pregnant, that was sad news to me. I was looking forward for an excuse to buy the nappies again! What was I going to do?

A week later, I was lucky enough to win a £100 Boots voucher. The first thing I did was stock up on Huggies nappies! The sales assistant looked at me as though I was crazy! I managed to get enough size 1 and size 2 to last Baby B for as long as he would fit into them.

So, I'm now down to the final packet of size 2 nappies with a dilemma - which nappies do I use?

This is where you come in. I need opinions - I've never used any other brands so don't want to spend money on a pack to find I don't like them or they irritate Baby B's little bum.

Which brands do you like? Dislike?

Leave me a comment below :)

Thursday, 6 June 2013

A (late) Mid-week Catchup!

I hope everyone had a lovely half term week last week, or are having one if it's this week. It's almost the second week of June already, where is the time going? Baby B is now 10 weeks old, yet it still feels like only yesterday I was bringing him home from the hospital.

There are certainly not enough hours in the day. I'm sure many mummies, well daddies too, would agree with me on that one. I have been constantly on the go the last few days and with minimal sleep (my own fault!) makes me a grumpy cow. I still have so much to do here, I shouldn't even be sat down right now! So I better get on with this post!

I just wanted to let you all know about a  few things that are going on despite my "Big clean-out".

I'm currently reviewing some lovely skin cream. It's called DermaSalve, and it's from the lovely people over at Skin Salveation, why not pop over and take a look, or you can contact them on Twitter.

My daughters, especially C, suffers really badly with eczema, and I get so annoyed when special creams do nothing for her. We've been back and forth to the doctors over the years trying to find something that will work for her skin. At the moment, it seems to be doing it's job. She hasn't complained about it being itchy and the redness is going down.

The full review will be available shortly!

Finally, before I get back to it, I wanted to let you know I am so excited! I've been invited to my first Blogger event! It's at the new store opening of Kiddicare in Bristol! I love Kiddicare, so I am snapping up this opportunity to go! It's in Bristol, which means a nice little train ride for me and the boys (the girls are in school) and they get to play and have fun too! So keep your eyes open for my post about my trip out!

Catch you all soon :)

Saturday, 1 June 2013

My first giveaway - The Winner!

Thank you to everyone who entered my first giveaway! I have gone through each entry and, using Rafflecopter, chosen a winner!

So, congratulations to..............

Jayne Thomas! Very well done from me :)

For all you who didn't win, don't despair! I'll have another giveaway real soon!